Information on Grades and the Semester
I hope you are all doing well and staying safe.
The district has communicated with us on how we are going to finish the semester. Currently, we could possibly return to school at the end of April, but in reality, I do not see that happening.
So the question is, what about your grades?
First, they will not go down. They will stay the same or go up. My plan is to help you reach the level of success you want from where your grade is now and to allow those who want to learn biology the opportunity to do so.
If you missed a test or quiz for a reason that was cleared through the attendance office, that test/quiz will not count toward or against your grade. I will be going through all grades and correcting any missing assignments for those reasons. That will be done by the end of the week, March 29th.
Second, based on either your grade or your interest in the survey from last week (you can still take it), I will be contacting you individually to ask if you are interested in raising your grade and determining what opportunities can be made available to you. You can choose to do nothing and keep the grade you have or we can work together to raise it. That decision is completely up to you.
Again, nothing you do, or don’t do, can lower your grade. It will only stay the same or go up.
Third, I will be reaching out to the rest of the students who I did not contact based on their grade or interest to find out if you are interested in just learning biology. Keep in mind the discussions we have had throughout the year so far.
You are students and you raised your hand agreeing that you wanted to be a better student than you were last year. I strongly urge you to consider taking advantage of the learning being offered. This is an opportunity to learn with no consequences. It could be fun.
Lastly, my plan is to make all opportunities to all students low pressure, with loose, long term deadlines, and hopefully fun. A lot of it will be individually tailored to you, your needs, and your desired level of success.
Yes, there will be standard levels that will be expected to be met in order to show your achievement and success, but I think the two of us, working together, will come up with acceptable work that will allow you to learn, be successful, and have fun.
If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to me on Remind or email.
I look forward to working with you and seeing what we can create together in the virtual world we are in.
Be smart. Stay safe. You’ll hear from me soon.